Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Long Weekend

So this weekfend was pretty crazy/ kind of a blur haha friday was really fun,my friends and i just hung out in their room and had a good time before we went to the bars. I rarley ever just stay in the dorms til its time to go to the bars, but we decided to Friday. I actually think its alot more fun than going to a house party sometimes. You're just there with your friends having a good time. House parties are usually super crowded and annoying. Your in line forever at the keg and everyone just sticks to their own group. Its rare to meet someone new at a house party. So after hanging out in my friends room, we then went to callis. I danced the entire time it was a lot of fun. We ran into some of my friends there and ended up just going back to their room and hanging out. Friday was a good night. Saturday was ok. We ended up going to a house party which was ok and then I ended up meeting my brother at Pinch. Bad idea. He kept buying shot after shot for me, thats when everything kind of becomes a blur, but oh well it happens. Overall a pretty decent weekend.

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